Mel’s Substack
Mel's Substack Podcast
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Back Home

Resting in the profound awareness of who you are.

In this penultimate episode of our journey, I describe what is required of us once we return home to ourselves. I review what this journey together has been like for me and how the smallest act of starting scared has changed my life.

I also highlight what I believe this means for you and me especially now given the state of the world. Your heart knows the way back to yourself. You need only take the first step and trust yourself as much as you can right now.

In this episode, I also describe the meaning of the image that is the cover for the Epilogue and Audio Journal (linked below).

After this episode is the Audio Commentary for the Epilogue and then we’ll be finished with our ascent.

Thank you so much for going on this journey with me. I hope it has inspired something in you and that you will take small joyful steps toward things you love as a result.

With all my love,

Mel 🤟🏿

Audio Journal - Epilogue: Home (Spotify)

Audio Journal - Epilogue: Home (Apple Music)

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Mel’s Substack
Mel's Substack Podcast
Voiceover Audio from Mel's Substack posts.
Mel's Substack is a publication outlining the dynamic, creative process of returning home to yourself to live an empowered, inspired life.
For original posts and more, please visit