Mel’s Substack
Mel's Substack Podcast
🏔️Urgent: Mountainous Musings

🏔️Urgent: Mountainous Musings

Matters and musings ahead of the June 14th Release

Happy Thursday!

We’ve got a big day tomorrow! I feel like everything I’ve written and worked on up to this point has been leading up to this moment. Tomorrow’s release thrills me in a way few of the posts have.

I hope you love it, or at least enjoy it, as much as I do. Given all I’ve talked about and how we have proceeded, I'm almost certain that you will understand its importance as we wrap up and move forward.

You’ll have to share with a friend. But check out this episode discussing that as well as additional notions I’ve had.

If you head over to the Substack post, you can watch the video this episode’s audio is pulled from and you’ll be able to put my voice to my face!

Melvyn 🫶🏿

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Mel’s Substack
Mel's Substack Podcast
Voiceover Audio from Mel's Substack posts.
Mel's Substack is a publication outlining the dynamic, creative process of returning home to yourself to live an empowered, inspired life.
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