Mel’s Substack
Mel's Substack Podcast
Reflecting On The Ascent & Our Next Steps

Reflecting On The Ascent & Our Next Steps

Looking back on an incredible journey, next steps, and June 14

In this episode, I provide brief reflections on the journey we’ve been on, some behind-the-scenes moments, and what happens after we have completed this stretch of our journey together.

I speak a bit more about the importance of the June 14 release for our next steps together and I share a brief video of clips and moments chronicling the journey of creating “The Ascent” (linked inside the post).

Give this episode a listen!

Melvyn Rustin

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Mel’s Substack
Mel's Substack Podcast
Voiceover Audio from Mel's Substack posts.
Mel's Substack is a publication outlining the dynamic, creative process of returning home to yourself to live an empowered, inspired life.
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